Does More Snow = Better Skiing?

In short the answer is no, more snow does not mean the skiing will necessarily be better. Places like Tahoe, and other resorts closer to the west cost are known for large snow storms that bring seemingly endless snow, sounds great right. It could be great but in my opinion its unlikely, the snow near the coasts is usually very heavy and wet snow making it not the light fluffy powder we all hope for. Colorado and Utah for example may not get the same quantity of snow but the quality however is much better for skiing. The snow storms near the coasts pick up moisture from the ocean and cause the snow to be heavy, this does not happen in states such as Colorado and Utah. The term Sierra Cement comes from these storms and is know that the skiing is not as good with it. So when you see these massive four foot storms think twice before calling out of work and making the trip out.
As a snowboarder I always thought this was true, but it makes sense that quality means more than quantity.